The news

160 years of experience in the cleaning world have put the Sutter cleaning culture at the service of customers. Together with customised procedures, sustainable innovation is at the centre of the company, focused on the development of high quality, high efficiency products, while respecting people and the environment. 
The commitment to sustainable development is in the Sutter corporate DNA and is translated with concrete initiatives that involve internal and external aspects of the company, from the selection of raw materials to production processes and the protection of people's health and well-being.

In this context, Sutter has performed Carbon Footprint studies for some of their cleaning products, and has later registered them in the Carbon Footprint Italy public registry. This quantification marks an important step in the sustainability path, leading to an increased awareness of their climate impacts.
The Carbon Footprint study, carried out following the requirements of ISO 14067, has later been verified by Bureau Veritas Italia.

You can browse all the products’ information on the following page:

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