< Registro CFI | Organizations | Manni Group S.p.A.
Manni Group S.p.A.
Company name

Manni Group S.p.A.

Carbon footprint registration

Activity description
Supply of steel products, insulating panels and renewable electricity power plants.
Registration of
Baseline year
Verification body
Bureau Veritas
GHG inventory report name and version
Manni Group GHG Inventory Report 2022
Address(es) included in the inventory
Manni Group SpA - Plant: “Palazzetto” / Manni Sipre SpA - Plant: Mozzecane; Crema; Monteprandone; Campoformido / Manni Inox SpA - Plant: Viale Torricelli e Via Righi Verona / Manni Energy S.r.l. - Plant: “Palazzetto”; Warehouse in Verona, in Trevenzuolo, in Patrica / Isopan S.p.A. - Plant: Trevenzuolo; Patrica / Isopan Iberica - Plant: Tarragona / Isopan Deutschland Gmbh - Plant: Halle / OOO Isopan Rus Srl - Plant: Volgograd / Isocindu S.A. - Plant: Guanajuato / Isopan Est Srl - Plant: Bucharest
Supply of steel products
Baseline year total GHG emissions (t CO₂e)
Reporting year
Reporting year total GHG emissions (t CO₂e)
Please note that Scope 3 emissions were not quantified for the base year, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14064-1:2006.
Manni Group S.p.A.
Company name
Manni Group S.p.A.
Nicolò Pozzani
Via Augusto Righi 7 - 37135 Verona (VR) - Italia
Phone number
+39 045 8088911
Tot. emissions t CO₂e
(ISO 14064-1:2018)
Tot. emissions t CO₂e
(GHG Protocol)
Category 1 Direct GHG emission and removals 4,229 Scope 1 4,229
Category 2 Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy 4,442 Scope 2 4,442
Category 3 Indirect GHG emissions from transportation 49,530 Scope 3 955,437
Category 4 Ind. GHG emissions from prod. used by organization 905,907
Category 5 Ind. GHG Emissions from prod. made by the organization for Category 5 0
Category 6 Indirect emissions from other sources 0

964,109.9 t CO₂e